Please help we are getting nowhere in first ridden classes.
My young daughter has been off lead rein for some time now and has already shown in several first ridden classes. However she is having great difficulty achieving a nice, round outline, and although the pony isn’t strong, she occasionally needs a little more help with her downward transitions. Latterly this has been commented on by the judge. She is having regular lessons but is very slight and doesn’t have the strength to ride the pony up into the bridle. I should also mention that the pony is currently ridden in a 4.5” loose ring french link. I am confused by the wide variety of horse bits that are available; however, choice for ponies seems very limited.
Neue Schule would recommend the Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge Beval.It is extremely popular in the Show Ring, and is used extensively in First Ridden classes.
The combination of the Beval Cheek and the Tranz mouthpiece gives you a bit that is kind, yet effective.
We Say
The Neue Schule Beval cheek is very effective for ponies that are strung out or poke their nose. It therefore should help your daughter, as young children do not usually possess the technique or the strength in the leg to ride their pony up into a nice round outline.
The Beval Ring offers two options. When the rein is attached to the main ring it is usually sufficient to achieve a round outline. However, when the rein is fixed to the lower loop it will also help your daughter with her downward transitions. This options offers more control, reinforces the outline and is useful for ponies that are heavy on the forehand.
The ergonomically designed Tranz mouthpiece is much more comfortable than a traditional French Link, so that once an outline is achieved it is sustainable. All of the Neue Schule mouthpieces are made out of Salox Gold, the warmest metal on the market. This promotes relaxed acceptance.
The Neue Schule Performance Pony Range Bits are available from 4” – 5” in ¼”