This is a time of a lot of uncertainty. With everyone in lockdown it is hard to stay positive. A great tip that I have is making a plan for each horse for the week.
Plan out what days you want to do dressage, hack (if you can), pole exercises, grid work, and jumping exercises. Now is a great time to try those new training exercises that you have seen or been interested in. Get a book on jump or pole exercises and plan out a day where you try something new. Set goals on what you want to improve with your horse/horses. I have found that making a motivational playlist that I can listen too while I ride and do yard work is really helpful to keep me thinking positively and stay motivated.
Do all of the yard jobs that are hard to stay on top off during the hectic parts of the season. Organise your rugs and decide which ones need repairing and washing and have them ready to ship off when you can. Do a spring clean/tack room clear out of anything that is too old/expired or you no longer need. Look through your supplies and see if anything needs restocking before the season does start and then you are all prepared for when we can get underway again.
Other yard jobs that are great for passing time:
-Clean and condition all tack that is used and stored.
-Clean the whole stud kit out.
-Disinfect and clean the grooming brushes and box out.
-If you have a freezer empty it and defrost. Disinfect and rinse it out and then reorganise.
-Empty out all water drinkers and scrub out.
-Pull manes and trim tails/fetlocks and ears.
Take advantage of the extra time at the yard/home and practice things like:
-Practice your plaiting with bands and with string
-Practice tail plaits
-Practice cleaning stud holes and putting studs in (if your horse has them)
-Practice bandaging legs
-Practice quarter marks