We are delighted to announce that our very first podcast is now LIVE on Spotify!!

The current situation this year with Covid 19 has meant that we have not been able to get out and about to talks and competitions. This is a big miss for the team as these events give us the opportunity to talk with our customers, advise and of course share an equestrian tale or two.
We decided that 2020 was the year to think outside of the box and to find new ways to communicate with our customers. We are delighted to bring to you The Neue Schule Podcast and hope that you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it.
The podcast will cover all things bits, bitting and maybe even a little bit more!
This is our very first attempt at creating a podcast and we would love your feedback. Let us know any topics you want us to cover or any burning bitting questions that you would like us to answer.
In our first episode we are joined by company founder Heather Hyde as she takes us right back to the beginning telling us where it all began for Neue Schule…