I need some advice relating to my 16.1hh TBx Cleveland Bay (now 15yrs old), how to encourage her to shift her weight back and hence use her back end more and therefore not lean on me so much. She is long backed and stiff through her back, she is regularly checked by a physio as is by nature a stiff horse and needs encouragement to flex her neck as well. When I got her she had a marked roached back. Although she has a very sensitive mouth she resists submission and is heavy on the forehand, although she doesn’t have any tongue evasions with her Tranz Angled Lozenge Loose Ring she can be a little abrupt in downward transitions. I use a Micklem bridle with her as she is very sensitive and using a flash didn’t really help as I didn’t have it tight as I don’t like to clamp her mouth shut.
Although the Baucher may not initially seem like a logical choice for a horse which heavy on the forehand, we would suggest the Comfy Contact Baucher. This is because she is sensitive in the mouth, which could be why she is abrupt in the downward transitions. You could try a softer half halt and even your voice and seat before asking more lightly through the rein for the actual transition. The stability offered by the fixed cheek should increase her confidence and the lifting action within the mouth should also be of benefit from a comfort perspective. Coupled with the independent side action lift and more freedom through the shoulder should be achievable.
This is one of our more expensive bits we would recommend that you trial it to assess the feel and response, should it not tick all the boxes please do get back in touch and explain the results and we can move on from there.