Which Bit?

12th March 2019


I have a 15year old 16.1hh ID cross who is very heavy on the forehand, can be very strong and sets his neck.  He can also be difficult to steer and can bolt, buck and spin when he gets excited!  He works in a nice outline but can fall through in downward transitions as he is heavy on the forehand.  I would like something that might help to lighten him on the forehand and also give me breaks when out hacking and for faster work.  I use a Fulmer with a link in the middle at the moment and I was looking at the Waterford Pelham, would this be suitable? I am a pleasure rider but am fairly experienced and have good hands, my partner is quite novice and also rides him sometimes.


If you have an independent seat and soft hands then we would suggest the Waterford Elevatoras this is likely to offer more lift without the curb action of the Pelham.  However we would not recommend a Waterford for a less experienced rider.  The Verbindend Universal may be more of a happy medium which does the trick and suits you both.   Please do get back in touch if you feel you have any more questions as we do have other places to go if you need further advice. 


Waterford To Save The Mouth

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