If you had to pin point one moment, what would the highlight of your career?
To name one single highlight would be impossible as there have been so many special moments. One very early highlight would be winning double gold at the Pony European Championships 2001, it was an absolute surprise and I really got to know the feeling of success there. I think it made me hungry for more! And then recently one would be winning the Luhmühlen CCI4* with Samourai du Thot in 2017! After the disappointing Rio Olympics it made me so proud to see this little horse proving that he can be a superstar, it was very emotional! The other outstanding result was definitely winning CHIO Aachen with Chipmunk last year! Riding the lap of honour in front of 40000 people and then seeing our names on engraved on the big wall with all the legends are moments I will never forget!
Of all the horses you have owned/ridden who has been your “horse of a lifetime”?
Naming one single horse isn’t easy as there have been quite a few horses which have been very important or defining for my career or the way I ride/train horses. Right now, it’s safe to say that Samourai du Thot has definitely a very special place in my heart. He has won so much for me and exceeded all expectations but at the same time he can be quite a challenge to keep level headed and reliable. He is super smart and always eager to work, but we had our fair share of low points and you never really know what he is up to next.
If you are not with your horses, where would we find you?
There would not be to many other options! I might be seeing some friends or working out (on a good day), or if there are really some free days, we like to explore a new city.

Tell us something that not many people know about you?
I am quite sure that many people know it by now, but I absolutely love Olives, I could live only of Olives I think. They come way before chocolate and crisps for me!
Do you have a lucky charm or competition ritual?
I have a bracelet which has Sams name on it and a belt which my boyfriend got me a few years ago and I always do xc with. I would probably get quite nervous if one if the things went missing before I have to compete! Also, I like to plait myself if I have got the time, I find it very calming…
If you could give one word of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
That would probably be: be patient, good things need time! But I would have a lot more to be honest…
Have you got an interesting bitting story that you could share with us?
I find it really fascinating again and again to see the importance of the right bit for the horse and which huge difference it can make. Most of the time it is not about a stronger or thinner bit but about finding one that suits the horse and makes him accept the contact easier. Also I wonder if there is something like the right bit for the rider, as most of my horses seem to like the Tranz Angled Lozenge Eggbut best!